John Hays is retired from the practice of law as of January 1, 2025. Thank you to my many colleagues and clients for your trust and confidence over the past forty years!”.
As of August 1st, 2023, Gary Friedman joined the law firm of Walcott, Henry & Winston, LLC. The new name of the firm will be Friedman, Walcott, Henry & Winston, LLC. Gary’s new address will be 150 Washington Avenue, Suite 207, Santa Fe, NM 87501. You may reach Gary via his new work number at 505-982-9559 or his new email address gary@santafenmlaw.com. You may also reach Gary at 505-989-1434 for the foreseeable future. Gary’s law practice will continue to focus primarily on commercial and residential real estate transactions & leasing, HOA and condominium law, business law including the purchase & sale of businesses, trusts & estates, probate, construction law and related litigation.